
Wednesday, December 16, 2009


yesterday... i found a very interesting thing about our brains... It's called Lucid Dreaming... this is a method to make us fall asleep and "dream"... and when we're dreaming.. we can control the dream... It sounds kind of fun but... very hard to peform...

Yesterday... i laid on my bed around 8 o'clock and accidentally fell asleep... then i woke up at around 11.40... i realized i didnt turn off the lights... so i got up and switched it off... After that when i was laying on my bed (half asleep mode / blur blur mode)... i fell asleep while thinking of something i wanna do tomoro...

Then i woke up again... this time i feel my body very light... and i can jump very high... then i realized... i am "lucid dreaming"... everything felt so real... so clear... like reality =x... i started wandering around (in my dream)... then i went outside my house to find my bike... but i cant find it...(in my dream)

Then i think to myself "why would i need a bike... when i can run super fast without feeling tired?" (LOL!!) but just when i start to run... oops... came back to the real world lerh... i tried lucid dreaming again... but it was not so good...

well... dat was the clearest dream i ever had...