shit. SPM is coming and I am still staying up late tapping on the keyboard of my laptop and downloading stuffs. And obviously, this is BAD. should have spent the holidays by studying ugghh ==. Instead im clicking away with the new laptop i received as an early birthday gift from my father. Trials are coming next week and I haven't even started studying yet. Am going to flunk it if i dont start to study now. Gotta at least make some last preparations so that i wont fail my Bio, English and BM papers since both bio and english papers are my strong subjects and I MUST PASS BM for you-know-why.
Bought some past year questions for myself a few days ago. which is kinda fail since i haven't opened them since = ="... My relative who took SPM last year also left me with a ton of notes after she finished the test last year. Which is FAIL-ER because I left them in the corner of my room since the beginning of the year and they've been collecting dusts ever since. I wish someone would come and set a password on my laptop so that i can concentrate
hmm.. btw im downloading Pokemon Black and im gonna try it out tomorrow :DD ... FAIL
Cheers :)